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Writer's pictureGwen Marie

[Translation: VLOG] Ghibli Museum Virtual Tour in Mitaka, Tokyo (Staff’s Diary Vol. 1-6)

Updated: Nov 1, 2020

Hi! If you want to watch the weekly Ghibli Museum virtual tour with translated descriptions, here it is I translated them ✌🏻 (´・ᴗ・`) ✨!

Trivia: Miyazaki's pronunciation of Ghibli is actually pronounced with an initial "J" sound (Jiburi) since he altered it from the original pronunciation with the "G" sound (Giburi) from an Arabic word (it means hot air blowing in from the Sahara desert). He used it to mean to blow a new wind through the anime industry. His father worked in the aviation industry so he prolly learned the word from the Italian Ca. 309 plane also known as a "Ghibli."

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VOL. 1


スタッフが作りました (Made by staff)

ジブリ美術館動画日誌 (Ghibli Museum Video Diary)

Special event video diary「Welcome」

0:02 - ジブリ美術館のカラフルな外壁 (Colorful exterior walls of the Ghibli Museum)

0:08 - 天井いっぱいに描かれたフレスコ画 (Fresco painting on the ceiling)

0:28 - ようこそジブリ美術館 (Welcome to Ghibli Museum!)

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VOL. 2


スタッフが作りました (Made by staff)

ジブリ美術館動画日誌 (Ghibli Museum Video Diary)

Special event video diary「The Place of Beginning」

0:03 - 1F常設展示室 「映画の始まる所」(1F Permanent exhibition room "The place where the movie begins")

0:15 - おじいちゃんから議リ受けたこの郜屋で (The thoughts from Miyazaki-san that the staff receives comes from this place.)

0:20 - 少年は自分の中のイメージをふくらませます (The boy put the images inside himself.)

0:27 - 空想と予感とスけッチ ここから映画がはじまります(Fantasy, premonition, and sketches: the movie begins here)

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VOL. 3

スタッフが作りました (Made by staff)

ジブリ美術館動画日誌 (Ghibli Museum Video Diary)

Special event video diary「Night」

0:04 - 昼間のジブリ美術館 (Ghibli Museum in the daytime)

0:10 - 陽が落ちると ガラリと雰囲気が変わります (When the sun goes down, the atmosphere of the gallery changes.)

0:17 - ネコバスの目が輝いで ここへ迎えに來てくれたよう (The cat bus shines, it looks like they came here to welcome me).

0:22 - 壁にのびたステンドグラスの光 (The light of the stained glass that extends to the wall)

0:28 - 夜美術館今目はここまで (So far, this is the night museum for now.)

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VOL. 4

スタッフが作りました (Made by staff)

ジブリ美術館動画日誌 (Ghibli Museum Video Diary)

Special event video diary「Cafe」

0:12 - 黄色の外壁に赤い扉 (Red door on the yellow exterior wall)

0:22 - ここはカフェ 麦わらぼうしです (This is the Straw Hat cafe.)

0:29 -今はお㐲みみ中の店内です (It's currently closed.)

0:38 - 木製のテーブルと椅子 (Wooden table and chairs)

0:49 - 小さい中の庭 (A small courtyard inside)

0:58 - 冬に大活躍する薪ストーブ (A wood-burning stove that is very useful in winter)

1:02 - 特别な食器 (Special tableware)

1:07 - 開館したらぜひ食べにきてください (When it opens, please come to it.)

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VOL. 5

スタッフが作りました (Made by staff)

ジブリ美術館動画日誌 (Ghibli Museum Video Diary)

Special event video diary「Comfort Room」

0:28 - ここは地下1階女子トイレです

(This is the ladies' room on the first basement floor.)

0:40 - 壁紙がひとつひとつ違いきす (Each wallpaper is different.)

0:58 - スタッフのひそかな自慢の場所です (It's a secret place the staff can be proud of.)

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VOL. 6

スタッフが作りました (Made by staff)

ジブリ美術館動画日誌 (Ghibli Museum Video Diary)

Special event video diary「Comfort Room」

0:03 - 長い階段を下りていくと (As you go down the long stairs,)

0:07 - 光が射す 吹き抜けのホ一ル (the light illuminates the atrium hall)

0:15 - 見上ければ そこに空があります (The sky is there if you look up.)

0:21 - 光の入り方で輝きが変わる ステンドグラス (Stained glasses whose brightness changes depending on how the light enters)

0:32 - 天井まで伸びる らせん階段 (The spiral staircase that extends to the ceiling)

Tenjo made nobiru rasen kaidan

(Ceiling until extend staircase)

0:43 - まだまだ 3分の1くらいの高さです (It's not all of it yet. From here, it’s about 1/3 tall.)

0:53 - ちょうど エレベーターが来ました (The elevator just came.)

0:57 - 次はどこへ行きましょう (Now, where shall we go next?)

That's all! Thank you very much for reading until the end! Looking forward to your generous readership for the next translation work ^^!



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