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Writer's pictureGwen Marie

[Converse] The Cosplay of Neekoghoul

The week of International Cosplay Day (August 28) just wrapped up! But, we can't miss recollecting the wonderful cosplayers we know. Happy Belated Cosplay Day to cosplayer Georgia (22), known as Neekoghoul from Sunderland, United Kingdom!

Last January, Neekoghoul shared what cosplay meant to her. Know more why the highly charming cosplayer highlighted Chika (Kaguya-sama: Love is War), Kiba (Naruto), Charmy and Black Clover, and Seraphine (League of Leagends) in our 10-question interview!


Q1: What, how, and why were you influenced to engage in cosplaying?

A: I have always loved dressing up as my favorite characters since being a child, as I always had my favorite costumes. When I got older I found out about cosplay through Instagram accounts, I got excited about the possibility that this was something I could do. I have always been into things considered nerdy for a girl growing up because of my dad who brought me up with comics and video games. I remember volunteering at comic con and seeing the different outfits that people had made. This amazed me and this was a large factor for me deciding that I wanted to create my own cosplay.

I eventually made my own costume, I made Belle's blue dress from Beauty and the Beast from scratch using only my hands, needle and thread. When I eventually finished Belle's costume, I was overjoyed because this was something I made by myself from scratch. This is what gave me a push to make my own cosplay in the future.

A few years later I was introduced to anime. From watching anime, I discovered anime cosplay, which I instantly fell in love with. After this I had a few cosplay ideas that came to mind and I decided to make an Instagram to show them off. It took a while to get it going but I'm extremely happy with where I am now and the community I have built along the way.

Q2: What title and which character inspired you the most?

A: I would say I have been inspired most by Chika Fujiwara from the show Kaguya-sama: Love is War. Mainly because this is the first cosplay that I made and wore to a convention. I really connect with the character and how she acts her cute moments and her dumb moments. I even dyed my hair pink and it worked well enough to the point where I was able to stop wearing a wig when I cosplayed her. I like to think that she became a big part of my Instagram page and I think she will stay a big part for a while as well.

Q3: Which character is most likely to make you always vitalized and what does the character mean to you?

A: For this, personally, I would say Belle from "Beauty and the Beast", since I was a child I always dressed up as her. I was obsessed with Belle and that still hasn't changed for me now. Beauty and the beast is probably my most watched movie of all time. It was the first costume I ever made by myself as mentioned previously. Even though it wasn't the greatest, I hope that someday I will be capable of improving my skills to the point where I can make her dress perfectly and that goal is something I will hold onto throughout my journey as a cosplayer.

Q4: Any remarkable story of your cosplay memories and your afterthoughts about it?

A: For me the best story I have is the first time someone asked for my picture whilst I was dressed in cosplay. This was during Halloween and I was dressed as a female version of Kiba from Naruto. I was stood in Tesco which is a British store and someone shouted over to me "Wow, it's Kiba from Naruto, can I please take a photo with you". This is the first time anyone asked me for a photo. Even during conventions, when asked to take a photo, I was so happy that someone asked but at the same time terrified.

I had no idea what to do when someone asked for my photo whilst I was dressed as Kiba, so, I just froze solid and in a tiny nervous voice replied "yes" and just stood there with a little awkward smile. Now looking back I wish I just said yes sure and replied normally. It's quite funny looking back now at it. But due to this now, I'm prepared for any photos or questions in the future.

Q5: If you were in a series you like, what would it be and what would you do in it?

A: I think if I was in any show it would be Black Clover and be a magic knight in the Black Bulls. I would take my cat Maisie, as I don't think I could go anywhere without her. I just think it would be super fun being in the Black Clover world, all the characters are extremely likable and I would love to be everyone's friend in the Black Bulls. I would most likely just spend all my time being lazy with Charmy who is my favorite character and spend the rest of my time eating delicious food Charmy makes. I would also love to take part in the missions for the Black Bulls and meet the Wizard King.

Q6: A character that highly resembles you?

A: Chika probably, I feel like we are both very bubbly and childish at times, as said before we have our dumb moments but we are very caring of our friends and commonly misread situations, my friends also say I resemble Chika.

Q7: The top 3 important things that you gained from the sphere of cosplay?

A: I made friends with people who I never would have met if it wasn't for cosplay.

I gained an amazing community. It's small at the moment and gradually growing, however, it makes me smile every day and they're so supportive of me and my cosplay and always cheer me on.

Another thing that I think is very important is that I have gained confidence that I previously didn't have. I didn't have a lot of it before I started creating cosplay but every time now I upload a new cosplay and seeing the feedback and comments I receive gives me more confidence to continue and put myself out there more.

Q8: Along the way, are there difficulties you can tell us? How do you deal with it?

A: I think the main difficulty I face when cosplaying, is being too afraid to mess up the project that I am working on because I don't have a lot of patience and I don't have a lot of money so I know if I mess up I can't afford new supplies to start over with. So, sometimes this fear will make me lose motivation for certain projects because I'm afraid of messing up. I usually overcome this when I go on my Instagram and see there are people who like my cosplay and are excited to see what I do next or if I see another cosplayer do an incredibly talented project, it usually gives me the motivation to get back to it.

Q9: What is cosplay for you, is it a passion or hobby or both?

A: It started as a hobby, then became a passion. This was mainly because I have had many hobbies in the past and I always got bored and give up, but cosplay is the only thing that I have stuck to and not gave up on and that means a lot to me. It feels good to have something that I really want to pursue and something that gives me so much joy.

Q10: What is your cosplay plan?

A: I want to begin doing some complex and in-depth cosplays that are a bit more different in order to improve my skill set and start working on props as well. The next cosplay that I plan on doing is Seraphine from league of legends and then create a list for my next cosplays


Neekoghoul: The only thing that I would say is just do it, I know a lot of people who are worried about it in case people judge them, however, I say just follow your passion and don't let these people control what you decide. I know that I have been judged but this is forgotten quickly by the number of people that are impressed by your cosplays and they are the people who stick out to you and make you feel proud of what you have achieved. I would also like to say if there is anything I have learned from the last year, life is too short to worry just do what you want and you never know what might find, for me it was something that brings me so much joy and a whole new world may open up as it did for me.

To be able to converse with such an impassioned soul is an honor, the elucidating feelings you had set out are certainly heartening. Once more, thank you so much Neekoghoul! We look forward to you future top-quality creations!

Please support Neekoghoul and her cosplay journey on:

Instagram: @neekoghoul

Twitter: @neekoghoul

Twitch: Neekoghoul

That's it for now. Thank you for reading!


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